Protecting your personal with Alre platform
AIre: Using blockchain technology as a means of personal data protection. In an era of fast paced technological advancements, issues related to control and use of personal data are taking centre stage. Personal data is often referred to as "the new oil of the internet and the new currency of the digital world”. It can also be defined as any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, also referred to as a data subject. A natural person is identifiable if he or she directly or indirectly can be identified, in particular by reference to an identifier Moreover, the distinction between public and personal data is often blurry, bringing the question: who uses and controls our personal data? We now spend much of our lives online, and our online activities from shopping to socialising, entertainment to information searching and gathering have created an unprecedented number of data points. But these data bring risks. Once mined or breached, they rev...